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Bárbara Matos


Holds a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology in 2016 and a master’s degree in Clinical Biochemistry in 2018, both from the University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal). She developed her master thesis entitled “Exploring the preventive effect of physical activity on prostate cancer-induced testicular dysfunction” at Institute of Biomedicine (iBiMED) under the supervision of Professor Margarida Fardilha and Professor Rita Ferreira. She recently had a research fellow position in the project “Protein-protein interactions as drug targets: modulation of Phosphoprotein Phosphatase 1 complexes in male fertility” (reference: PTDC/BBB-BQB/3804/2014). Currently, she is developing her PhD research under the supervision of Professor Margarida Fardilha, Professor John Howl and Professor Carmen Jeronimo. Her PhD project entitled “Developing a new approach for PCa treatment: modulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 complexes using bioportides” aims to establish an efficient strategy to disrupt key protein-protein interactions for prostate carcinogenesis, based on well-known PPP1 complexes, with the ultimate objective to impair PCa progression.

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Most representative publications

Matos, Bárbara; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "Modulation of serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) complexes: a promising approach in cancer treatment". Drug Discovery Today (2021): http: //

Matos, Bárbara; Publicover, Stephen J.; Castro, Luis Filipe C.; Esteves, Pedro J.; Fardilha, Margarida. "Brain and testis: more alike than previously thought?". Open Biology 11 6 (2021): 1-11. 


Matos, Bárbara; Patrício, Daniela; Henriques, Magda Carvalho; Freitas, Maria João; Vitorino, Rui; Duarte, Iola F; Howl, John; et al. "Chronic exercise training attenuates prostate cancer-induced molecular remodelling in the testis". Cellular Oncology (2020):


Matos, Bárbara; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "The disruption of protein-protein interactions as a therapeutic strategy for prostate cancer". Pharmacological Research (2020): 105145. phrs.2020.105145. 


Matos, Bárbara; Howl, John; Ferreira, Rita; Fardilha, Margarida. "Exploring the effect of exercise training on testicular function". European Journal of Applied Physiology 119 1 (2018): 1-8.




Matos, Bárbara; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "CAVPENET decreases prostate cancer cells proliferation and invasion through modulation of protein phosphatase activity". Paper presented in Cells, Cells and Nothing but Cells: Discoveries, Challenges and Directions, 2023


Matos, Bárbara; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "CAVPENET peptide delays prostate cancer progression by promoting PP1- dependent AKT dephosphorylation". Paper presented in European Peptide Synthesis Conference 2023, 2023.


Matos, Bárbara; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "Modulation of PP1 complexes using bioportides as a therapeutic strategy for prostate cancer". Paper presented in 36th European Peptide Symposium & 12th International Peptide Symposium, 2022.


Matos, Bárbara; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "Modulation of PP1/CAV1 interaction using bioportides as an anticancer strategy". Paper presented in 25thIUBMB-46thFEBS-15thPABMB 2022 congress - The Biochemistry global summit, 2022.


Matos, Bárbara; Coelho, Catarina; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "Targeting PP1/CAV1 interaction using a bioportide as an anticancer strategy". Paper presented in The 16 th Annual Peptide Therapeutics Symposium, 2021


Matos, Bárbara; Coelho, Catarina; Howl, John; Jerónimo, Carmen; Fardilha, Margarida. "Delaying prostate cancer progression by targeting PP1 complexes using bioportides". Paper presented in The 45th FEBS congress, 2021

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iBiMED - Institute for Biomedicine from Universidade de Aveiro

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