Patrícia Pinho
Patrícia Pinho holds a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry (2016) from the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University (Portugal) and a master's degree in Biotechnology for the Health Sciences (2019) from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD, Portugal). The master thesis entitled “Evaluation of the impact of cryopreservation on spermatic quality” was developed at the Genetics/Andrology Laboratory of the Hospital Center of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (LGA-CHTMAD), under the supervision of Doctor Rosário Pinto-Leite and Doctor Bruno Colaço. With an internship at this same laboratory for 1 year and 9 months, she learned how to perform the sperm analysis routine and cryopreservation, as well as several techniques of citogenetics and molecular genetics, developing a high interest on semen biotechnology, male infertility and assisted reproduction.
Currently, Patrícia is a PhD Student in Veterinary Sciences (Branch: Biomedical Sciencies, Doctoral Program of UTAD). The project focus is the development of a new rabbit semen sexing technique, and it will be conducted under the supervision of Doctor Bruno Colaço (at CITAB), Doctor Margarida Fardilha (at iBiMED) and Doctor Rosário Pinto Leite (at LGA-CHTMAD).
In her professional activities interacted with 31 collaborator(s) in co-authorship of scientific works. Published 3 papers as (co)author and 3 conference abstracts in indexed journals. Has received 1 honorable mention (Oral Presentation).
Most representative publications
Fernando Lopes, Patrícia Pinto-Pinho, Isabel Gaivão, Ana Martins-Bessa, Zélia Gomes, Osvaldo Moutinho, Maria Manuel Oliveira, Francisco Peixoto, Rosário Pinto-Leite. (2021). "Sperm DNA damage and seminal antioxidant activity in subfertile men". Andrologia. 00:e14027. doi: 10.1111/and.14027 [ISI indexed; IF 2019: 1.951].
Patrícia Pinto-Pinho, Joana Matos, Regina Arantes-Rodrigues, Zélia Gomes, Miguel Brito, Osvaldo Moutinho, Bruno Colaço, Rosário Pinto-Leite. (2020). "Association of lifestyle factors with semen quality: a pilot study conducted in men from the Portuguese Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro region followed in fertility support consultations.". Andrologia. 52(4): e13549. doi: 10.1111/and.13549 [ISI indexed; IF 2018: 1.84].
Alves, I.T.S., Condinho, M., Custódio, S., Pereira, B.F., Fernandes, R., Gonçalves, V. et al. (2018). “Genetics of personalized medicine: cancer and rare diseases”. Cellular Oncology. 41(3): 335-341. doi: 10.1007/s13402-018-0379-3 [ISI indexed; IF 2018: 5.020].
Conference abstracts published in indexed journals:
Pinho, P., Arantes-Rodrigues, R., Gaivão, I., Gomes, Z., Brito, M., Moutinho, O., Colaço, B. & Pinto-Leite, R. (2019). “Abstracts of the 35th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology”. How rapid freezing affects active mitochondria, DNA integrity and seminal parameters of human sperm?. Human Reproduction. Vol. 34. Issue Supplement 1. pp. i345-i346. doi: 10.1093/humrep/34.Supplement_1.1 [ISI indexed; IF 2018: 5.506]
Pinho, P., Arantes-Rodrigues, R., Gomes, Z., Brito, M., Moutinho, O., Gaivão, I., Peixoto, F., Colaço, B. & Pinto-Leite, R. (2019). “Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics”. Effects of cryopreservation on spermatic parameters, DNA integrity and mitochondrial activity: a preliminary study. Medicine. 98: 26. P25. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000015772 [ISI indexed; IF 2018: 1.870];
Matos, J., Pinho, P., Gaivão, I., Gomes, Z., Brito, M., Moutinho, O. & Pinto-Leite, R. (2017). “Fresh vs Cryopreserved Sperm Cells: DNA Damaged analysis in 30 Samples”. Nascer e Crescer, Birth and Growth Medical Journal. Vol. XXVI, Suplement II. S30. [SciELO indexed].