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Pedro O. Corda


Holds a bachelor’s degree in biomedical sciences and a master’s degree in Molecular Biomedicine, both from University of Aveiro (Portugal). His master thesis is entitled “Are translation-related proteins present and functionally active in sperm?” was developed at the Institute of Biomedicine (iBiMED) under the supervision of Professor Margarida Fardilha and Doctor Joana Vieira Silva. Pedro also had a research fellow position in the project “Protein-protein interactions as drug targets: modulation of Phosphoprotein Phosphatase 1 complexes in male fertility” (PTDC/BBB-BQB/3804/2014) at Fardilha’s Lab.


Currently, he is developing his PhD project at Fardilha’s Lab under supervision of Prof. Margarida Fardilha, Prof. Daniela Ribeiro (iBiMED) and Prof. Mathieu Bollen (University of Leuven). The project “Protein-Phosphatase 1 as a target for drug treatment against SARS-CoV-2 infection” aims to identify and analyse possible interactions between PP1 and SARS-CoV-2 proteins and to examine whether the modulations of these complexes impact the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2. At the same time, Pedro remains part of research projects related to male (in)fertility.


His research interests comprise molecular and cellular biology, virology (with an emphasis in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis), protein-protein interactions, sperm biology and physiology, protein translation, mRNA transcription, male (in)fertility and reproduction.

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Most representative publications


Corda, PO; Silva, JV; Pereira, SC; Barros, A; Alves, MG; Fardilha, M. Bioinformatic Approach to Unveil Key Differentially Expressed Proteins in Human Sperm After Slow and Rapid Cryopreservation. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2021.759354 


Corda, Pedro O.; Costa, Tiago; Trindade, Fábio; Afreixo, Vera (2020) “A non-parametric approach for the identification of differentially expressed proteins in proteomic data” 2nd Statistics on health decision: clinical trails. 23rd October. Aveiro, Portugal.


Corda, Pedro O.; Silva, Joana V;Fardilha, Margarida. 2019. "Protein translantion in spermatozoa: new evidences" 14th YES Meeting. 12th-15th September 2019. Porto, Portugal.


Corda, Pedro O.; Silva, Joana V;Fardilha, Margarida. 2019."Are translation-related proteins present and functionally active in sperm?"V Post-Graduate Symposium in Biomedicine. 27th June 2019. Aveiro, Portugal.


© 2018

iBiMED - Institute for Biomedicine from Universidade de Aveiro

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