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Europhosphatase: From Molecular Mechanisms to System-wide Responses

Margarida Fardilha has participate in the Europhosphatase: From Molecular Mechanisms to System-wide Responses 2019, a FEBS advanced course from 11-15 of June in Debrecen, Hungary. This meeting aims "to gather the leaders of these separate fields (phosphorylation) and to provide a synthesis of ongoing cutting-edge science to young investigators and students". Margarida has presented a poster communication entitled: "Modulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase 1: A novel approach for male reproduction".

During her stay in Hungary, Margarida visited the Hortobágy National Park, where she visited the ancient traditional Hungarian lifestyle and the traditional Hungarian animals (grey cow and the mangalitza pig (original Hungarian spelling)) which are living there the same way as hundreds of years before. It has also a traditional Hungarian horse rider (called in Hungarian: „csikós”) and Hungarian cowboys (called in Hungarian : „gulyás”).

© 2018

iBiMED - Institute for Biomedicine from Universidade de Aveiro

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